Monday, December 28, 2009

Ski Practice Review

Hi All! the couple race we've done have been great! the kids should be very proud! You have prepared them well!

There are about 40 video clips...please take a look and have your kids look at their videos! They should enjoy looking at them!

Please have your kids comment back on this blog the following:
1. What are they learning?
2. What do they feel the need to work on?
3. What will make it more fun for them?

For the past practices we've been focused on 'basic' skiing, so:

Athletic position (what the kids called 'Hugs & Bugs' and 'z-formation')
Drills - Hopping
Balanced stance
Drills - Slide Slipping, Traverses on varying terrain, partner w/ a rope doing circles
Hands up and in front
Drills - Hands up so they can see them, holding poles vertical
Parallel position - draw lines...from ankle to ankle, knee to knee, across the hips, across the shoulders. All those lines should be parallel.
Drills - holding poles, traverses, controlled turns

angulation through
Rolling the ankle and knees
Drills - varying flat terrain Ribbon turns, one ski drill, 'up & over' drill
Adding hip angulation
Drills - Schlopy (Dn hill hand on hip/behind hip, uphill hand up and forward), 'C' or as the kids called it 'Banana' shaped drill

Pole Planting

Line through the courses. we are focusing on the 'high line'

All the video's will be uploaded to SkiCoachPete channel on YouTube

Please have your kids comment back on the following:

1. What did the they learn?
2. What do they feel the need to work on?
3. What will make it more fun for them?